Bing and Edge Too

Hey there, Andrew Anderson with iQ Marketers and If you haven’t checked us out on YouTube, check out for leverage in all areas of your life. So today I wanna make this real quick. I wanna bring your attention to something that we’ve been noticing and it’s increasing. Microsoft Edge, check this out. […]

Get Better Results with These Two AI Tools

Hey there, guys and gals. So, Andrew Anderson here again, and with the dirt of crappy AI tools that are coming out right now that they are charging an arm or leg for. I just wanted to share with you a couple of forces that I would actually put out there. Supercharge Your Business With […]

Search Box Optimization

Introduction to Search Box Optimization If you’re in business, you’ve probably tried to optimize your website, right? Either on your own or through an SEO company that you paid for, and you also probably know that it can take six months or more, usually more, to see high placement on search results and organic listings. […] The First ADA Compliant And Uber Fast Site Builder

iQ My Site Hey there, sports fans. How you doing? Andrew Anderson here and just wanted to give you a little preview of the latest project we’ve been working on for quite some time and it is ready to be shown. This is iQ My Site. It’s a builder, the first one that I know […]

MASB: What Is It and Why Is It Important

MASB and Its Importance Hey, there. Andrew Anderson here with IQ Marketers, which is this guy here. I’m not sure if it’ll show up, but there it is. So what we’re talking about today is google and MASB, and I bet that most of you have never heard of this before. And we’ll spell it […]

Automatic Affiliates for Big Profits

On Affiliates I want to give you a tip on when you’re running your five day challenges. We’re going to talk about this- is to make sure that everybody that signs up for your challenge to become an affiliate. Now, this is an educational program. It’s called Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenge, given by […]

ADA On Helping Dentists Make Their Websites Accessible

ADA promulgating information on helping dentists make their websites accessible — Several member dentists in Texas have received correspondence from an attorney alleging that their websites violated the Americans with Disabilities Act because they are not accessible to individuals with disabilities, according to the Texas Dental Association. Read More  

Why You Are Paying Too Much For Ads

Are you running Ads on your site or Funnel? Are your running ads to your site or funnel? Here is why could be losing over 50% of the traffic you should be getting and paying twice as much for ads. If you have not heard of this, do not feel bad. I know Zero agencies […]

50 Companies Hit With ADA Lawsuits In Denver

This is exactly what you need to be ADA compliant. 50 Lawsuits by just one firm in one city. We estimate the number of ADA suits between now and the end of the year could be over 10,000. The average settlement is around $50,000. Do not let this happen to you. This is very important […]