Sales Copy

Getting The Right Sales Copy Can Be The Difference Between Just Getting By And A Multi-Million Dollar Company!

This is why we have partnered up with Drayton Bird Associates.

Get access to the Trillion Dollar Copywriter!

One of the legends of copy writing.  We can’t say how excited we are to make Drayton and Company available to write your copy for you.

This has always been one of the things that that most companies struggle with in making large leaps to profitability.   Now you need struggle no more!

If you add up all of the projects that Drayton has had a hand in, you will find he has helped bring in over a Trillion of dollars in sales for those customers.

Nothing short of amazing don’t you think?

Andrew Anderson

“Nothing happens in business until something gets sold.” – Thomas J. Watson Jnr. CEO of IBM

You’re in business.

So you know from bitter experience how true that statement is.

But how can you sell more without breaking the bank?

We hear that cry from many clients.

Because there are some hard, nasty realities.

You may have a brilliant offering.

In fact, you wouldn’t  be in business if you didn’t offer something good.

But the moment of truth comes when people buy – or don’t.

When you make a profit – or go broke.

And it all boils down to copy – “content” as some call it.

The words and pictures in your emails …  your website, ad or commercial.

How well  do they keep people’s attention till the magic moment when they think “Yes! I’m in”.

But you know what?

It doesn’t cost you any more to run good copy than bad copy.

And the good stuff can double or triple your sales

But good copywriting is a rare, almost magical talent – and very few possess it.

Many people think “I can write, therefore I can write copy.”

But a quick glance online or at the emails you get quickly shows you why most emails don’t get replies.

 And why most websites don’t sell.

In fact, most only keep visitors for  fleeting seconds – not long enough to sell anything.

Yet just one word changed in an email can boost response as much as 50%.

Few copywriters really know what such words are.  Yet many claim they can write copy.

And the top copywriters – who do know those magic words – charge like the U.S. Cavalry

    – we’re talking $50,000 and more for a project.

So …

    “How can you sell more – without paying through the nose for top copywriters?”

Here’s your answer.

We have just done a deal with one of the world’s top copy firms.

They don’t charge insane rates.

And their results are so good they have a 97.5% satisfaction rate.

How can they do that you may wonder?

Because they offer a money-back guarantee – and over the last 8 years only 2.5% of clients have not been happy.

Interested? Could they get results for you?

Quite simply, the answer is “yes”.

As you can see, they’re not just U.S. clients, but from all over the world New Zealand to Finland …

 … not just big names, but small ones you never heard of …

… and not just for big campaigns, but one-off projects.

Here’s some comments about their results:

“There are three reasons why we started working with them. Commonsense, experience and technique. They’re not 23-year olds in baggy pants with baggy brains to match. They know how to put all the bits together to make a successful campaign, and they work hard at making our money work.”

– Oliver Johnson, General Manager, Mercedes-Benz (UK) Ltd

“Extraordinarily good at understanding products, identifying what motivates prospects and, above all, getting more of them to reply and to buy. All I can say is Thank God for Drayton Bird.”

– Alex Davies, Marketing Director, Hargreaves Lansdown (UK’s largest  investment advisors)

“Guys……I’M ECSTATIC! 42% open rate and climbing My sales team literally can’t call them quick enough from landing page and replies.”

Nick Boddington, Managing Director, mib Data Solutions Ltd (Leading UK B2B data provider)

“Drayton’s a genius you know. Seriously.”

– Ken McCarthy, founder, The Internet Gazette, and organizer of the first ever conference on web marketing, in 1994

“The response was 5 times higher than the TV ads, with 60% less cost, but the most interesting part was that the visitors to our website were DOUBLE and we had phone calls to our office. This never happened before … and all from 5 minutes advice.”

– Jaime Montesinos, Principal, IPM Business School, Lima, Peru

“We needed a direct marketing agency that was capable of directing and strengthening the strategic and creative work of local agencies around the globe. In my experience, few other agencies know as much about direct marketing”

– Alida Catcheside International Direct Marketing Manager, Novartis

“Drayton Bird were extremely reliable to work with, always delivering work on time and within budget, usually hitting the mark within the first round of concepts presented. Their experience in direct marketing particularly shone through with impactful copy that got our customers to take action. I’d highly recommend them for any of your direct marketing needs. Gerald was a pleasure to work with, very responsive to our needs, and always going above and beyond.”

– Donna Ede, Marketing Manager, GLL (GLL run over 250 sport and leisure facilities and libraries on behalf of local authorities in London and across the UK)

And that’s just a partial list. There are very few categories they have not worked in.

If you’ve read this far, I know you’re interested.

    So drop me a line now using the form below, while this is in your mind.

And before others reply – because Drayton Bird Associates can only take on a limited number of clients at a time.

While you’re thinking, one last question.

Be honest.

    Are you selling as much as you should, making the profits you deserve?

There is a spiral of prosperity in business, and not everyone understands it.

You can go two ways.

You can keep cutting prices to undersell your competitors.  Having to sell more and more to make the same money.

That’s a race to the bottom. Crazy.

But once you invest in better copy and sell more, you can charge higher prices – because you have more demand than your competitors.

That’s a race to the top.

Isn’t that where you’d rather be?

   Let me know if you’d like to join it!

And you’ll be surprised to know our partners’ good copy doesn’t cost any more than other people’s bad copy.


Drayton Bird

P.S. Did you notice how long that message was? And yet you kept reading.

That’s because long copy almost always beats short – but few know how to write it.

Drayton Bird’s people do.

Get in Touch With Drayton Here!

Call Us Today at 307-200-4039